2Skills, Languages & Hobbies


        You can add a photo of yourself (recommended) or hide the image by clicking on the icon

        Here, enter your Name and Surname

        Example : John Doe

        Indicate your profession or position

        Example : Baker

        Indicate your postal address

        Example : 12 Viscount Court, Pembridge Villa, Bayswater, London W2 4XA

        Enter your email address

        Example : example@gmail.com

        Enter your phone number

        Example : +44 (0) 787 666 2342

        Provide your birth date

        Example : 24/05/1995

        Indicate your driving license

        Example : B and A2

        List your skills and qualities.

        Example :

        • Communication skills,
        • Stress management,
        • Team work,
        • etc.

        List your interests.

        Example :

        • Sports,
        • Cooking,
        • Gardening,
        • etc.

        Indicate the start date of your experience.

        Example : January 2014

        Indicate the end date of your experience.

        Example : March 2019

        If you still hold the position, indicate it.

        Example : In progress

        Indicate the position held in the experience.

        Example : Store manager

        Indicate the name and location of the company.

        Example : IKEA, London

        Describe your professional experience by highlighting your acquired skills.

        Example :

        • Organization of customer reception and participation in the sale,
        • Enhancement of the sales area,
        • Organization and preparation of inventories,
        • etc.

        Indicate the start date of your education.

        Example : September 2010

        Indicate the end date of your education or the date of your diploma.

        Example : June 2012

        Indicate the name of the diploma or education.

        Example : BSC Philisophy

        Indicate the name of the institution where you completed your training.

        Example : University of Westminster, London

        You can add a brief description of what you learned during your training or the options you took.

        Example :

        • Leading and motivating a successful organisation,
        • Effectively lanaging change at any given time,
        • Building and maintaining an effective management team,
        • etc.

        Introduce yourself and your motivations in a few lines.

        Example : With two categories of Professional Aptitude Certificate, I am an expert in automobile mechanics. I was appointed technical manager in a car dealership company for 2 years, having held the title of mechanic-attendant. I am currently looking for a stable job in this field, where I can develop myself by showing all the technical skills I have acquired.