Education Section on a CV
The Education section is one of the most important on your CV, along with Work Experience. It gives the recruiter an overview of your education achievement and skills. It is therefore essential to highlight it on the resume. This part of your curriculum vitae can also contain the training courses you have taken if they add value to your application.
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What Is the Purpose of the Education Section on a CV?
As we have just specified, this section is primarily used to show the hiring manager your level of education attainment and your specialty. That’s the reason why it is often the first thing he looks at to see if you correspond to the profile they are looking for or not. This section of your CV must also prove the relevance of your curriculum to the position to be filled.
The Importance of CV Education Section for Young Graduates
If you have just graduated and have very little or no professional experience, the Education section becomes your best asset.
You have to refine it and list your degrees to show the recruiter that you have the skills required to fill the vacant position. At present, many recruiters have no prejudice for junior profiles. On the contrary, they may even appreciate their youth, open-mindedness and ambition.
However, they do not compromise on the level of education because they must make sure to recruit a candidate who has the right profile. To do so, they first look at the Education section.
The importance of the Education Section for mid-career candidates
Even if you are in the process of your career and have many professional experiences, the Education section of your resume remains crucial. It always allows the hiring manager to assess your real basic skills. If the position you are applying for requires very specific knowledge, which is often the case, this part of the curriculum vitae is still a crucial element of your entire application file.
The various training courses that have helped you get new skills can also help you land your dream job. This may be the mastery of computer software or a particular technical tool.
Should You Add your Training Courses to the Education Section?
The answer is definitely yes! Nowadays, recruiters and head-hunters value traditional and e-learning training. These programs provide more targeted knowledge and skills. A candidate who has undergone training is perceived as a person who is evolving in their career and who does not take their position for granted.
Although academic degrees are important, even compulsory for many jobs, they are not enough to make a difference. Many other applicants may have the same degrees as you. But few of them may have had the same training as you. If you have training courses to add to your CV, change the title of the section into Education and Training.
Which Training Courses Should Be Added on the CV?
Of course, training courses help you stand out from other applicants. However, it does not make everything in a resume. Therefore, it is necessary to sort and keep only the essentials. Refer to the advertisement, find out beforehand about the job responsibilities. Then, select only the certificates which are likely to boost your application.
To create an effective CV, mention only the relevant elements. Avoid rambling and filling your resume with information that does not add anything to your application. It should be noted that training courses that have allowed you to develop certain essential soft skills in business such as adaptability, teamwork and stress management are always to be preferred.
Where Should Education and Training Be Placed on a Resume?
Since it is one of the first sections that recruiters look at, you should make it easier for them by placing it at the top of the document. Indeed, this part of the CV always comes after the personal information and the main heading. In this way, the hiring manager can immediately see whether you meet the required criteria or not.
Before writing your own curriculum vitae, note on a draft your university degrees as well as the establishments’ names and years of graduation. Then list the training courses you have followed, also with the training centres and the years of obtention.
In What Timeline Should the CV Education Section Be Written?
Even if hiring managers are mostly interested in your work history and skills, they still want to know your degrees and qualifications to better assess your proficiency. To do so, they pay more attention to the latest degrees you have obtained and the latest training courses you have taken. Hence the interest of writing the Education and Training section in reverse chronological order.
In other words, put the most recent degrees and training certificates first. It is always the right way to present your education and training history. When looking at all the CVs they have received for a job offer, many employers and recruiters only look at the last diploma obtained to judge the suitability of a candidate for the vacant position. If you put it last, they might miss it.
Use an online CV Builder to Write the CV Education and Training Section Efficiently
After listing your degrees and training courses in reverse chronological order, followed by institutions and years of obtention, you can now write the section in your CV. To make it easier for you, we strongly advise you to use an online CV builder. It is a practical and effective tool to make an attractive, elegant and modern resume. Choose a trusted specialized site and select a CV example adapted to your profile and fill it with your information.
You will save time by using a good CV creator. Even if you are new to the job market, you will have no difficulty writing the training section as well as the rest of the document. Did you know that recruiters these days only give a few seconds to each CV when making the first selection. It is therefore important to submit a resume that captures their attention. You will find a multitude of interesting CV templates on a reliable platform.